dimecres, 23 de novembre del 2016

One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts

This video I MUST post, terrific description of the type of synergies that can develop on a well thought XXI century farm. It emphasizes  on working with nature and developing a complex and varied ecosystem, without the use of any fertilizer, pesticide or chemical whatsoever. It's organic grassfed. And as Will Harris says, his job is to do what nature intended him to do!. Once again some farmers are ahead of science, although scientists are know carefully monitoring while learning from them. While some believe that chemicals and genetically modified crops will end hunger on earth, which has not and will not happen, others like Harris believe that we must produce locally  'I did not know I was supposed to feed the world, I am just supposed to feed my comunity'. And of course I need to mention Peter Byck author of many videos on the subject and about the movie 'Carbonnation', great director and a visionary by believing there is a solution to all those problems we face.

One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts from Peter Byck on Vimeo.

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